r Solar insulation case is combined withrsolar panel and high efficiency Lithium battery and output directly. It willrkeep the temperature between 10-15 degree by the operation of cooling machinerwhich is powered by the built-in battery of solar system, that can keep theritems inside fresh and also extend the time of keeping fresh. Solar insulationrcase is a necessary for household, business trip and also car holders.r
r 一, Parametres:r
rr 1, total power forrsolar system and lithium batteru:30W r
rr 2, power forrcooling machine:60Wr
rr 3, capacity forrcooling: 0.01Pr
rr 4, cooling temperature: 10-15rdegree Celsius ( related to the temperature of environment)r
rr 5, built-in lithium battery: 12Vr5000MAH ( with protection function for over charging, over discharging andrshort circuit)r
rr r
rr 二, Usage(for car,rhousehold and solar)r
rr r
rr 1, charged by car battery:rconnect the two DC sides of “E” to cooling machine and solar battery, then plugrthe car charger to car cigar lighter, and then turn on the switch of coolingrmachine. Then the car battery will charge lithium battery while it is alsoroffering power for cooling machine.r
rr r
rr 2, charged byrsolar: connect the two DC sides of “E” to cooling machine and solar batteryrport, then turn on the switch of cooling machine.r
rr r
rr 3, charged by householdradapter: connect the two DC sides of “E” to cooling machine and solar battery,rthen plug the car charger to “D”, and turn on switch of cooling machiner
rr r
rr 三, working time of solar battery after fullrcharged :r
rr 1, if charged by car battery, itrwill be full charged after 3-4 hours, and then keep cooling machine working forr2-3 hours. It can charge cooling machine while charging solar battery at thersame time. After power off the temperature will be kept for 5-6 hours ( thisrtime is related the environment temperature. )r
rr 2, if charged by solar energy itrwill be full charged in about 8-10 hours in sunshine. and then keep coolingrmachine working for 2-3 hours. It can charge cooling machine while chargingrsolar battery at the same time. After power off the temperature will be keptrfor 5-6 hours ( this time is related the environment temperature. )r
rr 3, if charged by householdradapter, it will be full charged in about 8-9 hours. and then keep coolingrmachine working for 2-3 hours. It can charge cooling machine while chargingrsolar battery at the same time. After power off the temperature will be keptrfor 5-6 hours ( this time is related the environment temperature. )r
rr 四, Abnormal conditions:r
rr 1, if the cooling machinerdoesnot work after to the power, pls check whether connecting line is loose orrwhether cooling machine switch is turned on.r
rr 2, if cooling machine stopsrworking after working for a period, it means the power is not enough. Then turnroff the cooling machine switch, and put in under sunshine for 1-2 hours.r