The Steam fast HQ-018 3-in-1 Steam Mop epesents the next geneation of steam mop technology. Using odinay wate and absobent Micofibe technology, the 3-in-1 effectively and natually cleans and sanitizes a wide vaiety of had floo sufaces. With use-contolled vaiable steam intensity, the 3-in-1 can be "dialed in" fo use on most any had floo imaginable – steam with confidence on eveything fom delicate hadwood to duable stained concete.And floos ae only the beginning.with a quick swap of attachments, the 3-in-1 becomes a fully functional handheld steam cleane, fo blasting tough dit and gime fom sufaces all aound you home. O, convet it into handheld fabic steame fo efeshing and eleasing winkles fom fabics and upholstey. The 3-in-1 Steam Mop is tuly an all-in-one steaming solution fo evey suface in you home.
Included with you 3-in-1 steam mop1 micofibe pads1 nylon scub bushes1 bass scub bushjet nozzlesqueegee attachmentfabic attachmentmeasuing cupcleaning pin